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This is not an exhaustive list of all talks, past, present and future. It is, however, a collection of abstracts, slides and links, where we have them, from past and planned talks.

In person meetings are on the third Saturday of the month from 1pm to 6pm (although there is no obligation to stay for the whole time) at the Broad Oak Sports & Social Club.

Virtual meetings use Jitsi and start a bit later at 2pm, you can find out more at and test out your setup at Jitsi is an open source solution, but we are not using our own hosting. It works through a web browser, so just use the link in the list email or add plugmeet to the test URL. The password will be in the list email. There is also an Electron client available from

Talks generally start at around 3pm, which gives people a chance to arrive, but at the same time doesn't force anyone to stay too late if they need to get away.

Next meeting 20th April 2025 - TBC

Possible future talks:

Past talks:

March 2025 - Bring-a-box meet
February 2025 - Bring-a-box meet
January 2025 - Bring-a-box meet
December 2024 - Bring-a-box meet
November 2024 - Bring-a-box meet
October 2024 - Bring-a-box meet
September 2024 - Bring-a-box meet
August 2024 - Bring-a-box meet
July 2024 - Bring-a-box meet
June 2024 - Bring-a-box meet
May 2024 - Bring-a-box meet
April 2024 - Bring-a-box meet
March 2024 - Virtual Meeting
February 2024 - Bring-a-box meet
January 2024 - Bring-a-box meet
December 2023 - Mince Pi(e)s and Christmas Cheer
November 2023 - No meeting this month
October 2023 - No meeting this month
September 2023 - Bring-a-box meet
August 2023 - Bring-a-box meet
July 2023 - Bring-a-box meet
June 2023 - Bring-a-box meet
May 2023 - Bring-a-box meet
April 2023 - Bring-a-box meet
March 2023 - Bring-a-box meet
February 2023 - Bring-a-box meet
January 2023 - Bring-a-box meet
December 2022 - Mince Pi(e)s and Christmas Cheer
November 2022 - Bring-a-box meet
October 2022 - Bring-a-box meet
September 2022 - Virtual Meeting
August 2022 - Bring-a-box meet
July 2022 - Bring-a-box meet
June 2022 - Bring-a-box meet
May 2022 - Hybrid Meeting
April 2022 - Hybrid Meeting
March 2022 - Hybrid Meeting
February 2022 - Hybrid Meeting
January 2022 - Virtual Meeting
December 2021 - Virtual Meeting
November 2021 - Bring-a-box meet with lightning talks
October 2021 - Virtual Meeting
September 2021 - Virtual Meeting
August 2021 - Virtual Meeting
July 2021 - Virtual Meeting with WordPress Security talk
June 2021 - Virtual Meeting
May 2021 - Virtual Meeting
April 2021 - Virtual Meeting
March 2021 - Virtual Meeting
February 2021 - Virtual Meeting
January 2021 - Virtual Meeting
December 2020 - Virtual Meeting
November 2020 - Virtual Meeting
October 2020 - Virtual Meeting
September 2020 - Virtual Meeting
August 2020 - Virtual Meeting
July 2020 - Virtual Meeting
June 2020 - Virtual Meeting
May 2020 - Virtual Meeting
April 2020 - No meeting due to Lockdown
March 2020 - No meeting due to Lockdown
February 2020 - Bring-a-box meet with lightning talks
January 2020 - Bring-a-box meet with lightning talks
December 2019 - Bring-a-box meet with lightning talks
November 2019 - Bring-a-box meet with lightning talks
October 2019 - Bring-a-box meet with lightning talks
September 2019 - Bring-a-box meet with lightning talks
August 2019 - Bring-a-box meet with lightning talks
July 2019 - WordPress - the hard way - Paul Tansom
June 2019 - Bring-a-box meet with lightning talks
May 2019 - Bring-a-box meet with lightning talks
April 2019 - Bring-a-box meet with lightning talks
March 2019 - Bring-a-box meet with lightning talks
February 2019 - Bring-a-box meet with lightning talks
January 2019 - Load balancing with the Linux Kernel - Andrew Howe
December 2018 - Mince Pi(e)s and Christmas Cheer
November 2018 - A Journey into Ansible using Dokuwiki - Paul Tansom
October 2018 - Lightning talk: The PLUG Telegram Channel - Paul Tansom
  - Lightning talk: Recording from a USB Cassetter Recorder with Audacity - Paul Tansom
September 2018 - Bring-a-box meet plus lightning talks
August 2018 - Bring-a-box meet plus lightning talks
July 2018 - ANTLR: Another Tool for Language Recognition - Jeffrey Best
June 2018 - Bring-a-box meet plus lightning talks
May 2018 - First steps with OpenWrt - Paul Tansom
April 2018 - Node-RED - Ross Cruickshank
March 2018 - Bring-a-box meet plus lightning talks
February 2018 - How to quit Vim and why not to - Paul Tansom
January 2018 - Bring-a-box meet plus lightning talks
December 2017 - Bring-a-box, Lightning Talks and Mince Pies
November 2017 - Where's my open smartphone? - Thomas Kluyver
October 2017 - First steps with Ansible - Paul Tansom
September 2017 - What on Earth is Oggcamp? (why there was no meeting last month!) - Paul Tansom
  - Ubuntu MATE 17.10 Preview - Paul Tansom
August 2017 - No meeting this month
July 2017 - Database Migration - Jeffrey Best
June 2017 - Creating your own customised Distro - Ian McKay
May 2017 - Bring-a-box meeting
April 2017 - Raspberry Pi fest and short talk on sshfs - Aidan Cole
March 2017 - Impress.js - Dr Jacek Kopecky (postponed)
February 2017 - Southampton Robotic Sailing Project - Dr. Thomas Kluyver
January 2017 - Remote Desktop Administration - Dr. Adam Trickett
December 2016 - D-Bus - A Short Talk - Thomas Kluyver
November 2016 - Building and Programming Drones - Dr. Gareth Owenson (nĂ© Owen)
October 2016 - A Whistle-stop Tour of jQuery and Node.js - Jeffrey Best
  - Mystery talk - John W. (short talk)
September 2016 - Open Source Science - Matthew Withers
August 2016 - A short talk on making contact over the Internet with ssh, using a virtual Ubuntu server in Google Compute Engine - Luke Stutters
July 2016 - Open Source VPN with strongSwan Assure - Andrew Wilkins
June 2016 - The first interactive computer system to design real buildings - Prue Amner
May 2016 - Installing Piwigo web gallery and Let's Encrypt SSL Certificates - Paul Tansom
April 2016 - Bring-a-box meeting
March 2016 - Developing a CouchDB Application Using CouchApp - Jeffrey Best
February 2016 - Git: the content version manager - Felicity Meadows
  - Building and Controlling a Robotic arm - Taylor Collins
January 2016 - How to build a Supercomputer - Dr. Gary Burton
December 2015 - Pies, Pi's and Zero cheer, a Raspberry Pi themed meet
November 2015 - The new editor - Dr. Jacek Kopecky
October 2015 - Astrophotography & FOSS - Matthew Withers (cancelled due to illness)
September 2015 - Bring-a-box meeting
August 2015 - The new h265 format for video data compression - John Eayrs
July 2015 - Virtualisation - Richard Crossley
June 2015 - Short talk on and Demonstration of Trinity DE - Lisi Reisz
May 2015 - Cryptography and Linux - Gareth Owen
April 2015 - Linux Networking - Andy Vawer
March 2015 - The State of Gaming on Linux - Paul Tansom
February 2015 - Introduction to Perl: The friendly programming language - Dr. Adam Trickett
January 2015 - Computing for the Visually Impaired - Mike Ray
December 2014 - From fun to profit: the story of Tiger Computing - Keith Edmunds
November 2014 - Tor, the darknet, online anonymity and privacy - Gareth Owen
October 2014 - Digital Photography - Dr. Adam Trickett
September 2014 - Bring-a-box meeting
August 2014 - Bioinformatics - Jan Kim
July 2014 - Code Club - Paul Tansom
June 2014 - The State of PHP in 2014 - James Titcumb
November 2012 - DAD - Desktop Adapted for Dad - Dr. Adam Trickett

Join the mailing list and start talking with other Linux users in Portsmouth and surrounding areas.